Detox Tips: Reset Your Diet and Life This Winter

Did you know that winter is the perfect time to detox? If you feel cold, dry, bloated, or if you are suffering from low energy or fatigue, your body is screaming for a detox.  Winter brings change to your hormones, metabolism, and circulation – all of which has a direct effect on your retention of…

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Collagen Supplementation: Be Strong, Be Stretchy

Collagen is a hard, insoluble, fibrous protein found in muscles, bones, tendons, skin, nails, blood vessels, and the digestive tract. It is abundant in three key amino acids: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Collagen is the primary structural protein in the body, essentially acting like the “glue” that holds us together. It has several roles in…

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Sweeten Your Immunity: the sugar – immunity connection

Studies have shown spikes in sugar intake suppress your immune system. When your immune system is compromised, you are more likely to get sick. If you eat a lot of foods and beverage high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which the body processes as sugar, you may be reducing your body’s ability to ward off…

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Hydration Connection and Immunity Busters

How much water do you drink on an average day? If it’s not a lot, it could be affecting your immunity. Dehydration can have a ton of effects on the body and you probably already know it can make you tired and lead to headaches. You may not be so familiar with the impact on…

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Foods with high amounts of hidden sugar

Sugar is the real culprit. For many years people have been led to believe that saturated fat is the main cause of heart disease. However new studies have revealed that saturated fat is far less harmful than sugar. It is no surprise that that chocolates, fizzy drinks, sweets and cakes are loaded with added sugar.…

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